Oh, The Places I’ll Go

Ever since my parents took my brother, sister, & I on a surprise trip to Disney World, I have always wanted to travel. To me, the best part of our trip was the plane ride (don’t get me wrong, I loved Disney World. So much so, that my family & I go back every year just to visit that same famous mouse). Because I was introduced to traveling at such a young age, I’ve had a lot of time to think about where I’d love to visit. Here’s just a couple of places I’d like to travel to.


Greece- One of my most favorite things about traveling is that you get to see things you normally wouldn’t see in your day to day life. Greece is first on my list because c’mon, just google this place. It’s beautiful!! The beaches & the buildings & the environment & just everything looks like a dream come true!



England- Ever since I saw The Bridget Jones Diary I’ve wanted to travel to London- Well that & to have two hotties fighting over me… But that’s besides the point- It’s not a tropical place at all, but the breathtaking monuments is the reason it made my list. Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, Big Ben, & The Tower of London is reason enough to go to London.


France- This is another country with breathtaking monuments, but it’s also one of the top fashion capitals of the world. If I won the lottery I think the first thing I would do is fly to Paris & pull a Blair Waldorf. For all my non Gossip Girl fans, I would shop & shop & probably shop some more. Other than shopping, I would love to see the original Mona Lisa & of course the iconic Eiffel Tower.


Fiji- I’m pretty sure Fiji is on everyone’s travel bucket list. & if it’s not on yours, maybe I can convince you to add it. Fiji is home to beautiful coral reefs & volcanoes. As well as, warm beaches. If you’re not one to just sit on a sandy beach & relax, there are more adventurous things to do. For instance, maybe flying over the island & seeing the mountains from wonderful angles peaks your interests more. No matter what you’re interested in, you can never go wrong with a trip to Fiji.


New Zealand- Last but certainly not least is New Zealand. I’m not gonna lie, New Zealand is mainly on my list because I would LOVE to see where they filmed The Lord of The Rings & The Hobbit. But other than that, I think it would be so cool to hike there. Since I grew up in Colorado, I’ve been hiking A LOT & it’s my favorite activity to do outside. The mountains in New Zealand are so beautifully, green that I’d be so memorized the whole time. & for real, who wouldn’t want to pretend they were on a secret mission to destroy a very hateful ring or pretend to kill a man eating, power hungry dragon & take back their home?


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